Our commitment to ESG

(Environmental, Social, and Governance)

Sustainability as a guiding value

Using technology to drive positive change, not just in the digital realm, but also in the world we live in, is one of Eidosmedia‘s key guiding values with regards to ESG goals.

As a leading provider in the content-management sector, we are committed to continually improving our ESG performance by integrating sustainability principles into our operational logic and strategic decision-making

““…we are working towards establishing precise guidelines and ambitious targets to promote environmental and social responsibility within our organization.””

Commitment to global goals for sustainable development

As a medium-sized company headquartered in Italy with subsidiaries around the world, we fully understand the importance of contributing to global sustainability targets, such as the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Working with Circularity®

Circularity® is a company dedicated to guiding businesses towards a sustainable transformation of their business models. Together, we are working towards establishing precise guidelines and ambitious targets to promote environmental and social responsibility within our organization.

Assessing our sustainability performance

In November 2023, we began a comprehensive assessment of our sustainability performance through the Circularity Sustainability Assessment.

This assessment measured our performance in relation to the SDGs, providing us with valuable insights into ESG areas where we can make a positive impact.

Looking ahead: our Strategic Sustainability Plan

We are not currently required to report ESG information under the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), but since transparency and responsibility are key values for us, we have made the decision to report this data upfront.

We therefore developed a Strategic Sustainability Plan to formalize our commitment to sustainability and outline our objectives for the future.

Our first Sustainability Report will be published in 2025. It will document our progress towards our sustainability goals and demonstrate our commitment to maintaining an open dialogue with our stakeholders.

Check out our credentials

We invite you to explore our Circularity Sustainability Assessment report and Strategic Sustainability Plan.

They provide a snapshot of our current sustainable practices and confirm our commitment to transparency and responsibility in creating a sustainable future, for a positive impact on both our business and the communities and environments in which we operate.

Circularity Sustainability AssessmentREPORT

Download the Report

Download the Plan

Thank you for joining us on this journey towards a better tomorrow.

If you have questions or comments about sustainability or governance matters: