May 2021 - Product Updates - Swing

Automatic chart numbering

Figures or exhibits inserted into the document are automatically numbered. Updating of the numbering sequence is automatic. A financial reporting function already available in Prime.

Versions 5.2021.05

Excel Relink option

Excel files that have been moved can be located and relinked from the Excel Linking Panel. A financial reporting function already available in Prime.

Versions 5.2021.05

Full range ‘Find and replace’

‘Find and replace’ now works across all sections of the report. A financial reporting function already available in Prime.

Versions 5.2021.05

Identify and message user locking channel copy

 The Channel Copy selection lockdown includes a link to message the user who has locked the copy.

Versions 5.2021.05

Tansa SaaS support

 Support for the new Tansa SaaS language tool.

Versions 5.2021.05

Query results - multiple drag & drop

 Multiple objects can be dragged and dropped from a docked query into a container.

Versions 5.2021.05