We’re Looking for Partners

In both sell-side and buy-side research, our advanced digital solutions are driving effective investment decisions.

Take the opportunity to transform your customers' operations using the latest in digital research technology.

See our Company Profile

Why Partner with Us?

Benefits for you

Proven digital

Maximize value
and revenue

Low delivery

Benefits for your customers

Advanced data-
driven solution
and revenue


A proven digital solution

Our solutions respond to the unique content-management challenges facing your customers in the investment research, asset management and investment banking sectors.

They provide a strategic platform supporting research and reporting at every stage of the process from discovery and collaboration to compliance control and distribution.

See our AI integrations

Maximize value and revenue

Our products are designed not only to deliver exceptional value to our customers but also to create diverse revenue streams for our partners.

From attractive license margins to comprehensive managed services, our solutions are crafted to offer our partners enticing opportunities for additional integrations and extensions.

Our solutions deliver value to customers at every turn, while optimizing your earning potential through sustainable Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR).

See our delivery solutions

Low delivery risk

Over the last two decades, Eidosmedia solutions have been successfully deployed in some of the world’s most critical banking and financial environments.

They are used by global investment banks and rating agencies, as well as asset management and independent research firms in the USA, Europe and Asia-Pacific.

See our case studies

A High-Quality Customer Base

A partnership with Eidosmedia opens the door to a highly qualified existing and potential customer base. As our partner, you’ll have the chance to tap into a market hungry for the advanced technical resources needed to maintain their leadership in highly competitive markets.

A solution at the forefront of digital technology

Based on a componentized data-driven approach, our platforms use AI technologies to boost productivity and cut time-to-market, while assuring exceptional quality and compliance control.*

Our use of standard and open-source technologies flattens the learning curve for your tech teams and eases recruitment of key technical resources

Integration and extension potential

Built from standard technologies, Eidosmedia solutions are highly integratable, often forming the content-management core of complex corporate ecosystems.

At the same time, powerful APIs allow integration with the latest cloud-hosted and open-source applications, to keep your customers’ operations at the forefront of technical developments.

This extensibility also gives you excellent opportunities for upselling and recurring revenue generation.

See our platform extensions


Certified cloud security

Eidosmedia’s cloud deployments are certified to ISO/IEC 27017 levels – an internationally recognized set of security controls for cloud services.

They also comply with the extremely stringent security standards of the financial institutions where they are deployed.


Training and documentation

As well as our partner support team, you will also receive the support of our Developers program and access to the training resources of the Eidosmedia Academy

Featured business partner

“The Eidosmedia solution … enables banks, ratings agencies, and research firms to run efficient and future-proof content operations.”

Matthias Känzig, Director of gateB.

Let's Grow Together!

Get in touch to explore the possibilities of a partnership with Eidosmedia.