Marketplace – a window for innovative tools and services
As part of an ongoing enhancement of the developer experience, Eidosmedia’s developers’ resources now include a growing library of innovative partner solutions. They extend platform functionality in areas from AI-driven translation, analytics and tagging to ML page layout automation and advanced CRM.
No platform can provide a complete spectrum of functions, especially in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. To handle tasks outside their core functionality, Eidosmedia platforms therefore integrate best-of-breed third-party applications.
Early examples of this were the integration of Microsoft Excel™ and Adobe CS™ to provide advanced data modelling and graphics functions.
"The main objective of the Eidosmedia developer program has always been to create an enhanced and immersive developer experience."
"That means instant and easy access to all tools and resources to extend and customize our solutions without leaving the development environment."
Cristiano Meda, Chief Technology Officer, Eidosmedia S.p.A.
New tools and services
Over the last few years this process has accelerated. Standard interface protocols like REST and applications which can be accessed in SaaS mode from cloud deployments have made it increasingly easy to integrate new tools and services and this is now a key element in the ongoing developers' support program.
Currently users of Eidosmedia platforms can extend their functionality with applications ranging from AI language services like text-to-speech, translation and automatic tagging to ML print page layout and advanced analytics and CRM.
Integration partners
To speed integration, Eidosmedia has forged partnerships with selected suppliers of these innovative solutions. As well as optimizing the technical interfacing, the partnerships also handle the integration with the user interface.
Dedicated panels allow the applications to be accessed from within the Prime (desktop) and Swing (mobile) workspaces. Users can launch powerful translation and text-to-speech engines, carry out advanced analytics and tagging, without leaving the editorial workspace.

The Marketplace is open
The latest step in the process of platform extension is the creation of a dedicated space where developers can explore the range of solutions available for integration. Known as the Marketplace, this shop window can be accessed from within the Premium version of VSIDE, the developers tool based on Visual Studio.
(Find out more about VSIDE here)

Using the Marketplace
The Marketplace contains details of the extensions currently available, as well as news of upcoming new entries. Visitors can click on a rating button to indicate how useful they consider the tool or service being offered. In the case of the upcoming entries, this will help developers assign priorities to solutions in the pipeline.
To acquire one of the featured applications, or obtain more information, visitors can click on a Contact button open a dialogue with an Eidosmedia technical representative.
Future developments
Future versions of the Marketplace will allow some applications to be downloaded and installed directly from the Marketplace window.
We also expect the Marketplace to provide a venue for developers to share and monetize their own integrations and extensions.